Greenlands Farm

Three Generational Homestead Farm

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1 Dozen CHICKEN Non-GMO Farm Eggs

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1 Dozen CHICKEN Non-GMO Farm Eggs


We give our hens healthy, humane lives with rotating access to pasture, fresh water, non-gmo feed, vitamins and calcium. All this produces a delicious egg that you can only get from a farm egg. This dozen eggs is not rated, they are a mixture of medium and large eggs.

If no stock available, our Roadside Market is open most Fridays & Saturdays for shopping at the farm. Please check in with us to see if we are open. If stock is available: Non-GMO farm eggs sold weekly for pickup on the Friday or Saturday after you order. Please make sure you come pick your eggs up! Your eggs will be available for pickup between 10 and noon every Friday & Saturday in the Roadside Market Saturday. You must order by 8am, Friday for Friday pick up and 8am Saturday for Saturday pick up. Sorry, no refunds for failure to pickup.

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